Our global glacial lake outburst flood database encompasses data from more than 700 different sources including analyses of stream gages; satellite and aerial images; stratigraphy; tree rings; reports from local authorities; news outlets; workshop proceedings; social media accounts; and unpublished work. We also extracted, if possible, summary statistics of lake volume; flood volume; and peak discharge; and also how these diagnostics had been estimated.
All versions are available for download at Versions & Download.
For download of the current version of the database (3.0) and a detailed description of all parameters and their units see:
Lützow, Natalie, & Veh, Georg. (2022). Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Database V3.0 [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7330345
For download of the current version of the database (3.0) and a detailed description of all parameters and their units see:
Lützow, Natalie, & Veh, Georg. (2022). Glacier Lake Outburst Flood Database V3.0 [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7330345
For detailed insights have a look at:
Lützow, N., Veh, G., & Korup, O. (2023). A global database of historic glacier lake outburst floods. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 15, 2983–3000, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-15-2983-2023.
Veh, G., Lützow, N., Kharlamova, V., Petrakov, D., Hugonnet, R., & Korup, O. (2022). Trends, breaks, and biases in the frequency of reported glacier lake outburst floods. Earth's Future, 10(3), https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EF002426.
Project Coordination:
Georg Veh & Natalie LützowInstitute of Environmental Science and Geography, University of Potsdam, Potsdam-Golm, Germany.
Help us to keep our open database updated!
Please contact: georg.veh@uni-potsdam.de & natalie.luetzow@uni-potsdam.de or use our submission form at Report a GLOF .
Version Download:
Download Version 1.0
Download Version 2.0
Download Version 3.0 [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7330345]
Download Version 4.0
Download Version 1.0
Download Version 2.0
Download Version 3.0 [https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7330345]
Download Version 4.0